
Archive for May, 2009

Dear Diary,

I’m currently in my room listening to a conversation my roommates are having in the living room.  They are talking about their favorite food.  Immediately when the question pops up I shout out “Ice cream!”.  No response.  Then I hear one of my roommates say, “I don’t know what my favorite food is…”  All of them had to think for a few minutes before coming up with an answer.

Now it wasn’t their answers that baffled me (although cashews and zuchinni were a bit odd) it was the fact that they didn’t know.  “What’s your favorite food?” is a common question, so I have a top three waiting in the wings.  Anytime I try a new food I contemplate on whether I have to change my top three.

It disappoints me that I often find myself in this situation, you ask someone their favorite ___ and they have no answer.  Case and point:  Movies.  Now I work in the entertainment industry so I am surrounded by people who know and love movies.  Also we constantly judge one another on their movie taste, so it is only natural that one would have at least their top three decided.  But alas, I am constantly let down by my peers.  Often the answer is, “I just like so many different types, I can’t pick just one.”   Bullshit.  You can at least widdle it down to a top three, movies that you make you feel good, that you enjoy watching over and over and adequately  portray who you are as a person.

The type of things people enjoy tells a lot about a person.  For example, my top three books (in no particular order):

  • Jurassic Park – Dinosaurs are cool.  Michael Crichton can’t write a beautiful sentence to save his life but he can tell and inventive and entertaining story.  What this says about me:  I have no shame in bad fiction, like to be entertained, and appreciate original ideas.
  • Down and Out In Paris And London – It’s an amusing story filled with bazaar characters and brings me into the world of Paris and London in the 1900s.  What this says about me: I like to read the classics and love good obscure characters.
  • In Cold Blood – A haunting story that gets inside the minds of two brutal killers and finds the humanity in the most despicable characters.  What this says about me:  I have a dark side.

It surprises me that people don’t think of these thing, but spend so much time thinking about their image.  I mean aren’t your favorites part of your image?  Just like your image it doesn’t define you completely, but it does show part of who you are.  It says more about you than your jeans or curly hair, yet people rarely take the time to think about these things.

Then again, I do realize that I am an over thinker and an over-planner, so maybe I’m the only one who judges people on these things.  Maybe I need to change that, and not be as prepared for these questions… really what does my planning say about my image?


Hugs and kisses till next time!

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